
    SOLAR-TRAIN invites applications for 14 fellowships funded as part of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Innovative Training Networks (ITN) under the European Commission’s H2020 Framework Programme. The successful candidates will be hosted at leading international research centres and companies starting in March 2017. They will contribute to the project "Photovoltaic module life time forecast and evaluation" as early stage researchers (ESRs) with the possibility to write a PhD thesis. Positions are open to candidates holding a higher degree in natural and technical sciences, meeting the general requirements of the programme and the specific requirements stated in the individual openings listed below.


    Ref. no.
    Academic background / field(s) of research
    Host Institution, Country
    POS 1 Investigation of the correlation of different climatic degradation factors as a basis for typical load definition (pdf) Physics, chemistry, related engineering science, meteorology or similar

    Fraunhofer ISE      Germany

    POS 2 Analysis of material and module parameters and correlation to degradation modes (pdf) Physics, chemistry, related engineering or material science, polymer chemistry Fraunhofer ISE      Germany
    POS 3 Development of service life model for PV modules (pdf) Physics, chemistry, engineering, modelling, simulation Fraunhofer ISE      Germany
    POS 4 Simulating realistic ageing conditions (pdf) Physics, related engineering science, mathematics Loughborough University  UK
    POS 5 Influence of manufacturing processes on durability (pdf) Physics, related engineering science Loughborough University  UK
    POS 6 Statistical analysis of reliability and durability of fielded systems (pdf) Physics, related engineering science, mathematics

    Loughborough University  UK

    POS 7 Potential, temperature and humidity induced degradation of PV module energy yield (pdf) Physics, electrical engineering, mathematics University of Ljubljana Slovenia
    POS 8 Outdoor performance monitoring, technology related energy yield / uncertainty analysis and statistical techniques for the evaluation degradation (pdf) Physics, electrical engineering, mathematics

    University of Ljubljana Slovenia

    POS 9

    Investigation of PV module degradation mode indicators (pdf)

    Physics, chemistry, related engineering science

                  CENER               Spain

    POS 10 Influence of encapsulant - backsheet combinations on PV module degradation modes (pdf) Material science, polymer engineering                PCCL                 Austria
    POS 11 Characterization of degradation behaviour and material interactions in PV modules (pdf) Polymer chemistry, materials science           PCCL             Austria
    POS 12 Uncertainty framework for the energy yield to link failures, outdoor effects and degradation with financial indicators (pdf)  Statistics, economics, mathematics

               EURAC              Italy

    POS 13 Hybrid Model for Photovoltaic Power Plant Service Life (pdf) Mathematics, statistics, data science

                 EDF               France

    POS 14 Causes of degradation and performance improvement in a complete PV system for O&M activities (pdf) Engineering (preferably electric), renewable energy systems (PV)        Kenergia Sviluppo       Italy



    Eligible candidates should send their applications in English to the project coordinator’s office annika.keiner@ise.fraunhofer.de via e-mail with the acronym SOLAR-TRAIN and the reference number of the required position(s) in the subject line. You may apply for up to three fellowships. As the project aims at a balanced representation of gender, we explicitly encourage female scientists to apply. In each case, please make sure you meet the special requirements for MSCA ITN listed below. The deadline for applications is 11th December 2016. The following information has to be attached, preferably as one PDF file:

    1. Compliance check with the MSCA ITN mobility rules (questionnaire available for download here)
    2. Letter of motivation for the position(s) of interest (application for up to 3 positions possible)
    3. CV (up to 2 pages), if possible with a list of publications and/or projects
    4. Scan of the diploma or degree that qualifies the applicant for PhD enrolment
    5. Scan of further certificates or work experience

    Applicants passing the first selection process will be invited to a recruiting event on 17thJanuary 2017.


    MSCA ITN Guidelines

    According to the special regulations laid out in the MSCA ITN guidelines, applicants must meet the following requirements:

    • The ESRs must be in the first 4 years (full-time equivalent) of their research career and have not been awarded a doctoral degree.
    • At the time of recruitment, candidates must not have legally resided or have had their main activity in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the last 3 years.